Fields and Flavours Harvest Tasting Event: A Journey of Connection and Culinary Delights

At Crowded Table by design, we believe in crafting events that go beyond mere entertainment. Our goal is to craft experiences that not only foster genuine connections but also transport you to another time and place. Our recent Harvest Tasting Event was a testament to this vision, a journey that led us to the heart of the Okanagan Valley and back to a transformed hay barn, adorned with living ornaments - our sweet horses.


Preparation for this extraordinary event was a labour of love. We were thrilled to partner with Tomi Jane's Boutique for sourcing some of the decor. They helped us turn an empty hay barn into a cozy dining space, a place where the magic of the harvest season would unfold. We extend our heartfelt thanks to them for their willingness to join us on this adventure. Visit them on Facebook and Instagram to see what they have in store!

Fields and Flavours Harvest
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The road trip to the Okanagan to select the perfect wines to pair with our exquisite courses was an adventure in itself. We wanted to infuse the sense of connection with the bounty of the harvest season into every aspect of the event. With an abundance of vegetables available, our culinary team had a blast creating the dishes that would grace our guests' plates.

Unique Event Planning, Event Decor, Wine Pairing, Seasonal Menu, DIY Harvest Tasting, Shared Dining Experience, How to host a harvest tasting party, Building community through food, Outdoor dining event inspiration
Unique Event Planning, Event Decor, Wine Pairing, Seasonal Menu, DIY Harvest Tasting, Shared Dining Experience, How to host a harvest tasting party, Building community through food, Outdoor dining event inspiration

Developing the menu was a meticulous process, with each dish carefully curated to reflect the essence of the harvest. However, the rollout of the menu was not without its challenges. Our holiday trailer and a modest three-burner stove became our makeshift kitchen. This endeavor wouldn't have been possible without the invaluable help of our dear friend, Vintee, who volunteered her time and expertise to assist with prep, cooking, and plating. We are deeply grateful for her dedication and hard work.

Unique Event Planning, Event Decor, Wine Pairing, Seasonal Menu, DIY Harvest Tasting, Shared Dining Experience, How to host a harvest tasting party, Building community through food, Outdoor dining event inspiration

As our guests arrived, the atmosphere was electric, and the food was served with perfect timing. From their perspective, everything appeared seamless, but behind the scenes, we were busy managing the logistics. I must admit that my organization could have been better; having all the prepared food labeled in advance in the trailer would have been a game-changer.

Our generous friend Tracy and her incredible daughter, Sydney stepped in to handle the mountain of dirty dishes, another logistical challenge as we shuttled plates back and forth. Despite the hurdles, the event proved to be a delicious and exciting experience for our guests. We are thankful for the opportunity to offer this unique journey, even if it was far from a breeze in our hay barn setting.

The menu itself was a symphony of flavours, featuring beautiful harvest fruits and vegetables that delighted the palate. It offered a wonderful alternative to the traditional Thanksgiving feast, one that encourages collaboration and shared responsibility among participants.

If you're looking to create your own Fields and Flavours Harvest Tasting, we encourage you to do so. You can involve your guests in the preparation, making it a truly communal experience. We look forward to hearing about your own culinary adventures and seeing your creations. Please tag us on social media and share your comments and pictures. Let's continue to connect and explore the beauty of food and genuine connection together.

Unique Event Planning, Event Decor, Wine Pairing, Seasonal Menu, DIY Harvest Tasting, Shared Dining Experience, How to host a harvest tasting party, Building community through food, Outdoor dining event inspiration

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